Over Previous news FeaturesCEO OUPENA Sam Altman says he has noticed that “IQ” of the AI updated over the past many years.
Albe said, “Around a lot, it feels I like – this is not a scientific accuracy, this is the answer to deception IQ,”
Altman is not the first to use the IQ, assessing individual intelligence of the person, as a standard for Advancement AI. Ai influenced The social media provides the IQ test mode and rank the result.
But many experts say that IQ is a bad measure of model capacity – and medleading medleading.
“It can be very tempted to use the same measure that we use for humans,” Sandra Wach, Techford Education, Techford, Techford, Techford, Techford.
In his comment, the ALTman is equal to IQ with intelligence. But the IQ test is a relative – not intended – measure – measure Of course Type of intelligence. There Some Opinion That IQ is a reasonable test of reason and abstract reason. But it does not measure Applicable Intelligence – Knowing how to work things – and it is the best snapshot.
Wac is believing, “IQ is the ability to test the AI.” To one character of the operation with human wisdom, which is very complicated. “
To perfect in IQ test, the origin of what Some historians Follow up to Eugenics, Discouraging Science Theory that people can be updated through selected breeding, testing test must have Hard work memories and knowledge of the cultural standard of the West. This invites the opportunity for biasement, of course, that’s why One psychologist called IQ Test IQ “Depresely Depreciological models’ of wisdom.
That the model may be done in the IQ test indicating the test shortcomings, according to the Model’s show, the University of Washington was studied ethical.
“[These] The test is easy to be an easy game to be if you have the number of memory unintended. “IQ test is a limited approach to measure the senses, feelings, and wisdom, before the invention of his own digital computer.”
AI may be unfair advantage in the IQ test as well, consider that the form is necessary in their disposal. Frequently, the model is trained in public web information, and the web full of questions taken from the IQ test.
“Tests tend to repeat similar forms – how stupidity to lift your IQ is an IQ test, which is necessary in every [model] Has already been done. “” When I learned something, I didn’t get it down to my brain with the most precisely, and I can’t make it noises. “
In the end, the IQ test – is aiacity as they are – designed for humans, cooking a way to assess the ability to solve common problems. They are not suitable for technology that attending the solution in different models than people who do.
“Crow may be able to use tools to recover the mathematics, but it does not mean that the mathematical issue,” “Immediately. In other words, human brains arguing with many things when they solve the problem – any problems, and others, and they do with less [than AI]. “
Every point required for a better AI test, Heidy Khlaaf, Chief of AI Scientist at Now, Techcrunch.
“In the history of calculations, we do not compare human ability because the nature of the humanity means.” “This idea we compares the display of human systems recently, and the moving things are made to evaluate AI.”