Propemplayer is making tools to create non-tech tools in the driver’s seat of the AI ​​apps

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By aispaceworld

The gradual growth of the past few years have released the wave of their statuts and the users that you ask and how you ask and where you ask and how you ask and where you ask and how you ask and where you ask and how you ask and where you ask for many different results.

New York-Based Performance Into this area early, launching tools to help the programs managing the process of prompting about two years ago. Its founder played around with Ai Chatbos itself and wants something to keep up with his own countercorders

About a little whim, they put their MVP over there (in X) and the tool they have created for themselves. It is developed into the prompt coverage products that will support AIS development, recommended by their output business.

While the prompt support area has been heated in many years since those who have the best interface of the LLMS.

They are now closed to raise seeds $ 5.8 million to continue to build a force for their way. Round is LED by Ivan Bercovich (Capital Scop), With Peter Boyce II (Teachings) Join again (he also supported their preparation varieties, Gabriel Stengel, and Luis VoCOL.

Collection of prompts in prompt

Zoneraich says the main of Promptlayer products is “Quick registration.” “It is CMS, it is a distributing version for stimulus,” he explained. You can see why new generations are different, and then you can choose the version of our products – and try to make it more useful. “

“For example, the test at the top of that, or login you use when stimulates, or the test between prompt, and the best.”

How to play the game online Packet is designed to support customers and evaluate their bold coachot apps, mostly the words (instead of codes).

Unusual for dev tool manufacturers, prompLlayer is intentionally focused on technical users.

In addition to the business building, he was educated, whether the early education was brought to a non-character.

Experts say “We believe that you cannot create health without a doctor, or healing.”

Zoneraarh moves next – says the platform has made a domain specialist in “drivers’ seats of the app.

“This becomes what they want to be trained – but it is not the largest jumping.” It is not like they must learn to learn to code. So it is what the average person can choose. “

Take a different track

How to play the game online How to Genai opened a AI tool box – the majority of the types of interfaces can focus on tools for a logical technique. However, Zoneraich calculated it out of them apart from most players in space.

You suggest more different ways than others, “He introduces during the call with Techcrunch. I think we learned from our customers. But in Silicon Valley, it is a little kind of love to create for non-technical, rather technical, instead of techniques. “

“I don’t think we want anyone to believe that someone is right to do. [to do prompt engineering].

“There is no enough engineer, though we want to do everything with an engineer.”

About Focus on Technical AI Technical Techniques, Zapier’s preference Technical Technical Technical Technical Techniques, Zapier’s Preferences Tree And langchain – When we discuss the competitive landscape. “But I think everyone is right for that [tools for technical users]”He argued, saying that it is confident for most companies that are looking for the appraise of the apps of llms that they want to be a technical staff.

He also thought the skills needed to be a good engineer is not the same as those who make good programmers.

“Skills to prompt an unregistered engineering with 100% engineer. There is a subheading, but it really likes, skill [that’s required] … ‘I will just try this random thing, and then, and then, and then, “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” ” And in my opinion, those are not good [prompt engineering] Because no science. “

“I think you’re less likely to try to understand LLM, you’re better,”.

Construction requirements

Zoneraich is bullish about that market requirements are large for the tool to get the best from llms. He is no concern that the newly occurred engineering of the engineering engineers will be developed rapidly by the new development of the Genai market.

Although AGI – is a smart AI generally be brought to – will need Something To work with, he argued, showing that humans also need guarantee tools / support.

“Hard part is, what do I do with it? “The hard part is determined what to do.”

“If you believe there is no perfect solution to these issues, what is the matter to fix it, and that’s the solution to the solution?

“LLM is just a tool to go from trouble, but you only move it from the modern programming code.

“But at the end of the day, you still need some input. There is a non-spoken part.”

Can be used in team extensions (currently 8 strong), with the focus in accordance with customer service quality, against Otheraich. You also need to expand the platform to serve the applicable case and power into communal buildings that are adopted agile engineering.

“The Committee did not go out of the engineer that prompts it seems to be a prompted engineer, as it was a big way.”

Prognandlaylay does not reveal that the payment to the customer has, but Benich said they have more than 10,000 customers who have via their site. (Parentab and Openai-Backed speaking is two clients he named him.)

The beginning also saw 13-fold growth this year

“All that it needs to solve these prompt issues, you will change the stimulation, and you will see the outcome. But that’s what science helps,” add Zonerich.