Hello, Friends! Welcome to Installer # 70, your suggestion with the best and SeparateThe best thing in the world. (If you’re new here, welcome, giving the head I guess, and you can still read the old version Installer First.)
This week, I read about Sugar Football And NBA trade And Zyn’s increaseLook the most Parks and recreation While I try to fight the flu, Tripping through Video game Library History FoundationPurchase of a few of this delightful Paper notebookrewatching Waiting for Guffman After accidentally Stumbling it on YouTubeAnd snacks on Bonbon Rice I bought in TikTok. Again.
I also have for you a few games that guaranteed to eat your rest, a cool new way home, and many more.
And I have a question for you: What is your musical setting? I would like to know if you use Spotify or Apple or Tidal, but if you have any of your old programs to deal with the party. What is your favorite part of your configuration? I’ll tell me you if you told me to give me.
All right, lots to reach this week, and we gotta get through before the party super bowling. Let’s get in.
(Always, the best part of Installer Are your ideas and suggestions. What do you have at this time? Should others read / watch / play / play / Construction / Retail / Retail with this week? Tell me everything: Installer@theverge.com. And if you know others who may be happy InstallerTell them to apply this member.)
- Civilian VII. It also has only techniques to access the fastest, but by most accounts, this game has lived in the strange depths and inefficient depths. I always avoid these games for fear that they will receive my life – but maybe it’s time.
- Kingdom came: Deliverance II. Big Week for big games, thousands, thousands! The new emamic of Warnharse seems to be a rare thing right now, the type of world revealed, which I was suspected. You know, for a reason.
- “Avoid outrage threshold while in the information. “ A really good American Science Podcast on the topic that feels, uh, more relevant now. It is important to understand what is happening! But we all need some help to handle it all.
- Deep research. The new thing in llms is a model that can take their time, work through the problem, and come to the better and more useful answer. I just played with only deep research, but it is impressive – but it is impressive – and the experts are saying it is most accurate.
- Veil. I kinda do with algorithms system, and I think this model appline apps, and Who picked upAnd FereeedIs going to be a big deal. Insert your favorite blogs, podcasts, podcasts, the following Bluesky, and only the Apple devices, and consume it all with your speed.
- Her. Tana’s has been in Beta for a year and has developed one of the highest effective app and with user-friendly products. It’s like an abstract idea – and there is a lot about it I really like.
- Z-suite. Master Tubi! Looks like something! I’m so shocked that I get fun about young pirates that are attached to each person in charge of the Advence. Of course one person to take care after Super Bowl (In Tubi!) Ending this weekend.
- “Diving deep into llms like Chatgpt. “ Perhaps the best best “AI work” Primer I’ve seen. It was Long – Three and a Half An hour! – But it is truly and really deeply understand, which is hard to pull out. See it, and remove the record.
- Instapper 9.1. INSTAPER is a read app and keeps better. The most new work is the best job to manage paywalls and logins, which make the whole process of steamless savings feel more. (So far, it’s just for iOS only, but I hold it on Android soon.)
- BlueScreen for Blueresky. Nifty sios app that is BlueSky skins as a tiktok video player like tiktok and works well. Blue videos are not as good as tikton videos, but it is a really cool thinking.
- Cassandra. More the higher excitement! This, in Netflix, is about the smart home assistant has gone batty. It’s the most creepy and still full of technology I want to be in my own home. Just less … killing – y?
Last week, in the appropriate complexity about all Tiktok and Rednote and Devyek and all the things, I called Cooper Quintin And asked him to have a sense of the world for me. Cooper is a senior worker at the Electronic Foundation and time in the Recidance Digital Records while the risk of their online life.
Cooper says I via the way to think about Internet threat mode, from China and home, for the veggecast This week. I also asked him to share his homepage with us, wondering if you handle your phone when you are thinking of its risk. (One of what he told me about our calls is that you should delete all your apps.
This is the homework of the cooper, plus some information on the app he used and why:
Phone: iPhone – I buy them only applies because it’s cheaper!
Wallpaper: The art of Solalarpunk Future I hope that in a day live, rather than a cyberpunk Dystopia we live.
App: Configuration, Calendar, Pop Apple, Feedly, Phone, Phone, Camera, Camera, Supporty, Servicesky.
I like to keep my duty clean and have a clean activity. I just keep eightest my most used apps there. Of Note: I used Gravel For keeping the readiness of RSS Feeds and News. RSS Feeds is a better way of consumption of Internet content more than anything else! I keep Saying On the home screen at this time My main social networkAnd of course, i keep Signal Handy since that is the main way I communicate every day.
I also asks Cooper split what he entered at the moment. Here’s what he returned:
- Star Trek: General Back Reruns – this is a purely comfortable dish.
- I listen to hardcore punk bar with all of the heads called The Hirs Collective.
- I’m really excited Nail And Lora meshesSo it’s really cool.
- I have been replaying Fallout: New Vegas.
This is what Installer Communities are entered this week. I would like to know what you have now! Email Installed andheverge.com Or a message to me on signal – @ Davidpierce .1 – with your suggestion for anything and we will show our preferences here every week. For greater recommendations, check the reply This post on topics And This post on Bluesky.
“Using Store. It looks like Google keeps fighting mymind and settled to friends. “- Estban
“Purcot. They are the router / firewall company that makes a real appliance that can plug and play, with energy users can do things. At this time they also release access points that are also easy to organize. It has more than the EOO, but better, too. “- gurupanguji
“I am looking for a good app to track the game I’m playing (or plan) on various platforms. So far, Water players Is my favorite, but Game Track System online Looks like a good and cheaper entry. (Yes, they have basic names basically, but is the apps different, not a complicated apps, not a complicated apps. “- Daniele
“Using T3 cats Customers instead of Chatgpt website or crappy desktop app apps of humanity – JTromero
“I used Eleven App by ElevenLabs to create podcasts from some things TL; The article in Dr. It boils them down as shorter – Cruder Cruder – Form Cruder – Form to make me can hear a few hours of walking. I can imagine the time I can introduce all the articles recorded in and onto the significant label for a profound reading. “- Alan
“Try Supply Again, love the design with ideas and beautiful and past updates. Love that I can log in through our way and fast on my iPhone. Love the previous update. “- Samuel
“Momon For coffee production. I have changed from pour out of the absence to the moccomaster the last moccomaster. I have happened to drink fresh pot when I read your post. “- Cody
“Finally came to read Androids: App For Android operating system. An amazing book to understand how to be Android, and that makes me digging my old OS university records. I am now reading too much about OESS ’90s / 2000s. “Alay
“There are groups at The letter Run Movie Hunting Movie MovieWith a new host each month, which creates a prompt for each day. Such as: ‘Look at movies from the country you want to visit.’ It’s absolutely help your movie. – Allyn
“I bought a Beam Sonos (Two-Gen)And it was a huge upgrade in the speaker of my TV. I’m kicked myself that didn’t do it for many years ago. “- Joshua
I may use too much tiktok, but in addition to all Office Bloopers and clips stand-up show me, my favorite things about it is an interface. TikTok, both accidentally or in purpose, discover the perfect search mechanism – immediately loading mechanism, the first detection. Of course Instagram and YouTube and everyone is trying to copy it. But what really natural is you can type tiktok-ify Anything, And it really works! WiKjectik Challenge Is just a tiktok food of Wikipedia page, and the Hoo Boy is it fun to play with. Veer Flips without the scope through the Reddit Posts and is a way that are more involved than the Reddit’s home.
My continuous theory is that TikTok is going to be the same WordleWhen it will inspire not only an opponent (which is happening) but become a new cultural style. Wordle Indicates one million different daily, and tiiktok will make everything – namely, everything – all in the curve. Because the recipe that always seems to work.