How to balance effectiveness and accuracy?

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By aispaceworld

In the linked connection with hyper-todic and intricate landscapes, various inventory of pivotal force in the display-resistant shape and can be solved. The organization is increasing with the information that never came before the person within these organization.

The production Ai is prominent as a transition tool that can handle this data explosion. By making a large amount of information at human level, AI allows an important understanding of understanding from the data library. However, AI potential comes with responsibility. The use of the wrong way can lead to a distorted perception of reality, where people who separate the truth from the incorrectness becomes more difficult.

The dangers of using an uncontrolled AI

The flaws of using uncontrolled AIs are obvious throughout the sector. Distribution of false and unless influence has influenced the election process, while the copyright violation has demonstrated legal battle. Moreover, false or legal legal advice is a threat to the basic integrity of the injustice system. These examples are required urgent need for the responsibility for the responsibility to prevent such bad results.

The strategy for creating smart and responsible organization

To use the full capacity of the AI ​​produced while reducing its risk, the organization can adopt three strategies:

1. Extraction of all the information perceived ai

Knowledge knowledge knowledge is to become an important asset for organizational power. Historically, the ability to understand many languages ​​or communicates with animals is viewed as an entrepreneur. Today, AI is making this vision as a reality by serving an Orchestration of the Indecution Software system. “Knowledges” transceends the language barrier and type of materials – as IT IT IT IT IT.

AI serves as an implementation, including structural, semi-structured and unconstructed and uniform structures, consistent. Big companies especially people who are lucky 500, use these technologies to provide understanding of the world’s operation. The democracy of knowledge of knowledge now the power of all sizes to reveal the newly concealed forms and trends and prescribed. Powerful leaders to make-up leaders who are needed to make a quick decision, by the decisive decision in the environment.

2. Maintaining a collection of reliable content

In the era of flooded with unpredicted production content, the unrefined access to the knowledge. Reliable.

The essence of the collection of reliable content include:

  • Owner content: Unique intellectual property to the organization.

  • Authorized Publicated content: Authorized data and authorized to use valid.

  • Government information: Public information from the management agency associated with industry.

  • Personal Information: Unique information that is unique organization or individual.

The creation of reliable resources allowed organization can keep control of their data, giving strong foundation for proper information and protect the correct information.

3. Balance using AI with technology control

Not all gear and content considers reliability of the same level. The establishment of responsibility to relate to determine the level of control in content and ai Technologies, and properly use use. How practical method is using Matrix Controlled Controlled Content and Management AI in the Compatible Axes, leading appropriate use strategy.

  • High control over content and AI: Apply AI technology used in information from approved data from approved materials, to ensure clear, splatim layout. This method enables to use the direct AI results.

  • Control the high content over the content but moderate control over AI: Implement tools that have been treated in production (RAG) access to only approved sources while adding a scientist. The results can be used directly, provides instructions for the responsibility of responsibilities are established.

  • Control over content and AI: Access the effective AI solutions with caution, as it may be from biase, with copyright, with an invalid. Output from these systems should be carefully reviewed before using.

By understanding and dynamic movement, the organizations can be valuable AI valuable while maintaining the risk and reduce risk.

The future of wise organizations

Advances on the brain computers do the concept of knowledge that causes the accuracy in practice, security offer, and speed. By focusing on high value information, control mechanisms, and understand the AI ​​control mechanism, the organization can solve the most confident work.

In the midst of the depth, AI gave the road changed to create smarter organizations by greeting the gaps between the radioties between the extensive and personal decisions. Like personal computers have been appreciated as “bike” of mind, AI is perceived as “rocket ships” with a new height capacity.

With protection security, enterprises can help increasing the decision, using emerging challenges, and contribute to the future.

International Information Company

Founded in 1964 and headquarters, Massachusetts, International Profile Company (IDC) technology, IDC provides understanding of technology and industry. Business specialists, and business investors, and feelings with feelings can choose well and have the necessary goals.


Source: World Economic Meeting